Status Trigeminus
Status trigeminus refers to a severe exacerbation of trigeminal neuralgia in which the typical lightning-like zaps of pain in the face reach a crescendo. The condition is unfortunately under-recognized and under-diagnosed, but it can represent a medical emergency, since the severity of the pain may result in severe dehydration or electrolyte abnormalities due to an inability to eat or drink.
In an episode of status trigeminus, many patients describe that their typical zaps or shocks of trigeminal neuralgia pain become more and more frequent until the pain is constant and unremitting. There is often no obvious explanation or trigger, and status trigeminus can occur in patients who have had stable trigeminal neuralgia for years.
Treatment of status trigeminus usually requires admission to a hospital for intravenous hydration and pain medications. Most patients find relief within a few days and can be discharged on a new regimen of medications, but surgery is sometimes required if medications are not effective. I offer a variety of surgical options for patients in status trigeminus, including trigeminal rhizotomy.
If you live near Denver and have severe facial pain, please consider meeting me in consultation to learn about treatment options.